Monday, October 31, 2011

Announcing Next Step Outreach!

After 39 years of "informal" ministry, Claudia and I have (after considerable prayer) have decided to make our efforts "formal." We have begun "Next Step Outreach," a ministry directed at educating the Body of Christ about cults and pseudo-Christian religions, particularly Mormonism.

In January of 1972, the Lord started me on this journey which involved mostly been lecturing in churches and on college campuses about the differences between Mormonism and Biblical Christianity. And believe me the differences are enough for most believers (especially me) to consider Mormonism outside the realm of orthodox Christian doctrine. Over the years, Claudia and I have witnessed to Latter-day Saints including many missionaries, and we've also assisted those wishing to leave the Mormon religion to get out, out spiritually, out literally and out legally. But until now, this ministry had no name, no incorporation, no website and no formal organization.

But now with the ground-breaking of the newest LDS temple just over 25 miles from our home...and with two Mormons running for President of the United States (Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman), there has grown a tremendous interest and curiosity in the Mormon religion. Christians are basically uninformed on the dangers of this organization, and tens of thousands are sucked in every year and held in the grip of an organization that can bring neither truth nor eternal life to those who sincerely seek God.

Most new Mormons are those who are born into the religion and baptized as children. However adults are being converted at the rate of 150 per day...meaning that somewhere around the world people are being baptized in to the LDS church at the rate of one every 9.6 minutes. The tragic thing is that the vast majority of them had membership in a Christian church before they were proselytized (research shows about 60% of these were Baptists).

Pastors are becoming alarmed at these numbers. That's why we are here to bring information to churches on Mormonism and the incredible pull it has on potential converts.

Also, although 100,000 people leave the LDS church every three years, only about one-third become born-again Christians. Again, we are here to try to correct that trend, seeking out disaffected Mormons and lead them to Christ. With all that in mind, four weeks ago I resigned my pastorate at Christ the Rock International Church to go into full-time ministry in outreach to Mormons.

The Lord has provided us (albeit with heavy financial expense) a weekly radio show on 50,000 watt WHIM 1080 AM in Miami, Florida. We'll be on the air talking about Mormonism (and occasionally other non-Christian religions) every Tuesday at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. We'll have experts on the subject and former cult members as guests, and you can call and talk to them. If you're not in the South Florida area, you can still listen to the live stream at, and you can call on the toll-free number we'll give on the air.

Check out our new website at We also can be reached at our email address or by writing Next Step Outreach, 102 NE 2nd Street, Boca Raton, FL 33432.

And please, PRAY for us. This is an uphill battle. The LDS have over 50,000 missionaries in the field whose only purpose is to win converts into this pernicious organization. There are less than 100 ministries we know of that are called by God to counter this religion. Pray for laborers. Pray for a vast harvest of souls.

Ciao for now,
