Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A new direction and an outlet for spiritual frustration

Doubting that anybody reads this site, I'm probably only blogging to myself right now, but hopefully that will change via social media (Facebook, etc.).

I haven't blogged in a long while, but I think that may change also. If for no other reason that the fact that I need an outlet for my spiritual frustration.

Between my church (the model of which has been rapidly shifting), my interaction with other Christians and also my job at Christian radio station WHIM (1080 AM, 50,000 watts) in Miami, my brain (and I suspect my spirit, too) is constantly being bombarded with "teachings" from just about every faction in the body of Christ that exists today: Reform Theology, Third-wave Charismata, Fundamentalism, you name it!

Fortunately (I suppose), none of this spiritual strafing has caused me to change my position on the things I believe (with one fairly minor exception, which I'll talk about in another post), but it has left my mind and soul somewhat exhausted from the invasion. And sometimes I have to play my doctrinal beliefs "close to the vest," because of having to work with ministries all over the Christian spectrum. I don't think that even my pastor knows EXACTLY what I believe on every Biblical subject (although I'm sure at least one believer does, and that's my wife). Lately, I feel like I'm waking a fine line between being "Mr. Sanguine" with everyone, and 'holding fast to what I believe without wavering."

A second area of frustration is the fact that I am a preacher and I don't have a real, physical place to preach. Yes, I am a leader in my local church and "lead" a Sunday morning Bible study group, but the interactive format calls for the folks in the group sharing, and very little, if any, preaching. from me.

For both those reasons (the "bombardment" and the lack of a real preaching venue) I'll be venting here soon (if I'm not already doing it). That venting will take the form of discussion on what I believe God has shown me doctrinally, and why. I hope I get enough folks coming here that will comment on all of this (in itself a form of interacting group sharing).

If no one shows up, at least (thanks to this blog) I'll have a pulpit to pound. Hopefully, that will relieve most of the frustration. In the meantime, pray for me. I need it!