Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Welcome (back) to Dave Mitchell's Blog...

Welcome (back) to Dave Mitchell's Blog. The reason I put the word "back" in parentheses is because my loving wife made me take my last blog site down a couple of years ago when I was a radio "personality" in the Dallas-Fort Worth market. I guess she thought that since I was in the public eye (sorta), I might get sued for exercising my first amendment rights. Well, in today's world, I guess it's possible. Lots of folks are "litigation-happy."

But now, even though I'm still in the radio biz, I'm not on the air regularly (however, I do a lot of voice-over work for two of the Salem Communications stations here in South Florida). That makes me a "common" person and I guess she believes there's no thrill in suing a common person -- and I suppose that's probably right.


Here I am blogging again. Since I have a very large array of interests -- and I have an opinion on just about everything -- just about any subject could come up on this blog site. And one blog will most likely not relate to the next one, and so on. Call it cyber stream-of-conscienceness.

I am realist enough to know that actually nobody really cares what I think about anything, and since I'm not in much of a position to change the world (being a Member of Congress might help), I'm basically using this sight to vent. It is, of course possible that someone out there might like to add his or her two cents to the discussion, so feel free to comment, agree, disagree or simply "take me to the woodshed."

I suppose this is what blogging is all about anyway.

Most of my blogs will proceed from my personal interests which include: The Bible and theology (especially in the areas of religions that are in opposition to mainstream Christianity), radio broadcasting (my 44-year (so far) career), baseball (my actual religion -- Christianity is merely my lifestyle), Ham radio (my callsign is AJ5F), Science Fiction (especially Star Trek and time travel movies). My musical tastes include Top 40 hits from 1955-1979 (mostly) and Country music pre-1985. Movie tastes include older stuff (well, not REAL old). I'm very selective about what movies I see and lately, there hasn't been (IMHO) much worth seeing -- although the 90s were a great decade for film.

I'm also a history buff (which may explain the interest in time-travel). Politically, I'm all over the board -- ultra right wing conservative on some issues and flaming liberal on others, and everything in between. As I add new posts to this blog, you'll probably get a good idea of where I'm going with much of what I believe. And, to tell you the truth (have I been lying up to now?), I'm not so dogmatic as to think my mind can't be changed on a political argument if I get some new information or can re-think the issue. The only time you can be dogmatic is when you know you're right (there's a joke in there somewhere).

Most posts won't be nearly as long as this one, but this time I wanted to get some background established before I move on.

Many people, expecially bloggers, believe that what they say is so darned important that everyone will automatically be interested. What egos blogging has inflated! I hope this isn't the case with me. Most of what I blog will probably bring the response, "who cares?" And my reaction to that is "who cares?"

When I hit a subject that's really important to me, I'll drop a link in my Facebook status. Until then,

May the farce be with you...


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